Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Florida Amendment 4 "Why vote Yes on 4"

1. Eliminating Property Tax Loopholes

Amendment 4 empowers the Legislature to stop “recapture”, a property tax trap that forces some homeowners to pay higher property taxes even if their home’s market value declines.

2. Saving Small Business Owners

Amendment 4 will lower the cap on assessment increases for non-homestead properties from 10% to 5% per year. For small businesses and commercial property owners, Amendment 4 provides the stability and the tax relief that they need to get out of this recession and create the jobs Florida needs now.

3. Renewing Florida’s Promise

With nearly 1 million Floridians still out of work and hundreds of thousands more underemployed, we must pursue new policies that will drive prosperity back to Florida and restore our economic future. Amendment 4’s new cap on non-homestead properties will attract new investment in Florida’s economy, which will help revitalize communities impacted by the recession, and spur job growth in the cities and counties that need it most.

4. Empowering New Homeowners

Families looking for their first home or looking to move back into a home after downsizing for the recession will benefit greatly from Amendment 4. Amendment 4 offers an additional homestead exemption for new homebuyers that will last up to five years, rewarding new homeowners for finding the right home for their needs.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for share this all fantastic information regarding Florida Property Management and many other information such as Eliminating Property Tax Loopholes, Saving Small Business Owners, Renewing Florida’s Promise and many more.
    Community Association Institute
